TL;DR 的意思




看文档的时候看到的. 我们来看一下这个词: TL;DR.

Wiki 一下, 你就知道. 看一下 Wikipedia:Too long; didn’t read 的解释.

“The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.”

—— Pascal(就是说过人是一根会思考的芦苇的那位法国传奇数学家)

Too long; didn’t read (abbreviated TL;DR and tl;dr) is a shorthand notation added by an editor indicating that a passage appeared to be too long to invest the time to digest.

在这儿插一段个人的看法: “TL;DR” 中文字面意思翻成“太长不看”比较传神而且也比较接地气儿, 达到了达和雅的程度, 不过信的方面明显还不太够…

The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summation in case the reader doesn’t want to take the time to read the entire detail (i.e., as a way to find a quick summary for those who think that the article is too long and won’t otherwise read it). It can be misused as a tactic to thwart collaborative editing or a stoop to ridicule.

This essay examines tl;dr as used in Wikipedia discussions, offering insight into the cause of excessive length, suggestions on how to reduce it, and a reminder to always exercise civility with other editors when paring.

除上面在 Labels and placeholders 里的例子

TL;DR: To save you time, here’s the key point: don’t use the placeholder attribute if you can avoid it. If you need to label an <input> element, use the <label> element.

外, 再举个现实生活中的例子:

许多年前姨也用的诺基亚, 有一次因为手机故障攒了好久的短信都没有了, 然后给雄打电话哇哇大哭, 其实那时候他们已经分道扬镳了, 有的东西, 没有了就是没有了, 也许爱留东西不是个好习惯……

许多年前, 雄有过这样一个诺基亚手机, 它只能存储 200 条短信, 里面装的满满的回忆, 每当存满了, 都要精挑细选地删掉雄的, 留住姨的, 当时雄真的好想要一个能存 500 条短信的手机. 而如今, 雄有了一个可以无限量存储短信的肾 Xs, 但却再也找不到那个能和雄聊 200 条短信的姨…

比方说当年姨太离校跑路去同济念书之际, 雄在他用之看了无数文学作品的诺基亚手机上打了 800 字的饱含真情实感的临别赠言短信发给姨太. 姨太只回了五个字: