Pros and cons 是什么意思


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本来我想写写 <h>, 结果发现这篇文章正文里只有 <h2>, 那就 <h2> 吧😂我把文章中 <h2> 里的 '" 都转义了, 省着横生枝节. 主要是也不费什么事儿, 拿 HTML Punctuation Symbols, Punctuation Entities and ASCII Character Code Reference 一查就完事儿了.

看文档的时候看到这么一个 pros and cons, 不认识, 以前没见过这个词. 查一下.

Definition of 'pros and cons'


The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.


They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm. Motherhood has both its pros and cons.

What Is The Origin Of The Term "Pros And Cons"?

The phrase ‘pros and cons’ is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase pro et contra, ‘for and against’, and has been in use in the abbreviated form since the 16th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

‘Pros and cons’ is a well-established standard usage; Oxford’s larger dictionaries do not mark it as ‘informal’ or in any way restricted in use. The much longer alternative is the phrase ‘arguments for and against’.


示例: PSR-6 Meta Document - 4.2 Alternative: “Weak item” approach

In a poll conducted in June 2013, most participants showed a clear preference for the more robust if less conventional “Strong item” / repository approach, which was adopted as the way forward.

  • More traditional approach.
  • Less extensible or flexible.